A Negative Pressure System Engineered for COVID-19 and other Similar Pandemics.

See how it works:

Worn by the patient, the Aerosolve Helmet captures exhaled breath and draws it through a vacuum and a HEPA filter (which removes the virus) while allowing oxygen therapies – and thus it serves as a compact, personal negative pressure room. Negative pressure rooms are expensive and rare. The Aerosolve Helmet is over 100X less expensive and 22X more air exchanges than a negative pressure room.

Patients suspected of having COVID-19 could simply don the helmet in any setting (hospitals and public spaces) to isolate them and prevent further transmission. An oxygen tube fitted with a nasal cannula was passed through the helmet to treat COVID-19 patients rather than intubating the patient. Results were published in peer-reviewed journals.

Benefits of using AerosolVE Helmet:

  • Patients: Enables use of non-invasive treatments and avoidance or delay of mechanical ventilation.  

  • Front-line workers: Health care workers and first responders will benefit from significantly decreasing the dangers of being exposed to respiratory droplets and aerosols from patients with COVID-19 via containment and filtering.  

  • Transporting soldiers/patients: Whenever a patient with a respiratory disease such as COVID-19 enters a waiting room, an ambulance or closed environment such as an airplane, the Aerosolve helmet can be used to prevent virus transmission to people around the patient.  

  • Field Hospitals: The Aerosolve helmet can be used to convert any bed into an ICU bed with a negative pressure environment - especially impactful in low-resource settings, field hospitals etc.

See how it works:

As an extension of the novel negative pressure helmet, we developed a portable procedural tent which creates a larger negative pressure environment and is intended for use during a broader array of medical procedures, while significantly decreasing virus exposure to health care workers. Patients are often kept on ventilators much longer than needed because of the perceived aerosol risk of various procedures that patients desperately need - until now. 

The Aerosolve Tent circulates and removes air—including droplets exhaled by the patient—through an attached vacuum motor and HEPA filter before being released into the room. Unique to this innovation is the additional application of multiple access points in the tent to allow a greater number of medical and surgical procedures.

Procedures performed using AerosolVE Tent

  • Heated High-Flow Nasal Cannula (HHFNC) 

  • Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV) Airway management 

  • Intubation & Extubation 

  • Bronchoscopy 

  • Tracheostomy

  • Chest compressions associated with CPR